You may have noticed in past pics Sjogin’s rudder is always canted over one way or the other.  That was due to a combination of buoyancy in the immersed plywood blade and the weight of the rudder cheeks forward of the pivot line.  The solution added about ten pounds of lead the the aft edge of the rudder to allow the rudder to sit upright.  Paul drilled five two inch holes in the plywood and filled them with epoxy and lead buck shot.  In one of the photos below they look like caviar.
Worked just as guesstimated.  It could use a few pounds more as the tiller weight still holds it over at extreme angles.  Works fine enough for now.  I expect to pull Sjogin for a quick refit soon. She’s not been out of the water since re-launching in September, 2104 except before her star turn last August.
You can see how the rudder wants to float on its side. Now fixed.
Looks like fresh Beluga. Maybe one more hole filled with lead when she’s hauled.
All painted up and ready to go. Jeff Reid helped with the installation. Before hanging it we let the rudder go slack on the line we attached and found it still floats. Good to know.
Hanging damn near vertically. A bit more lead should do it.
Sailing pics and video next.