Thanks to the folks at Beaton’s, the T Dock is ice free using ice eaters and a bit of a thaw. The cold is returning for a while but we hope for a return to more average temps.
Here are some pics from the last few weeks. Fingers crossed for a path to open water. It’s been a while but it’s alway a treat to sail down to the edge of the “pack ice” down Bay. Especially with the stove going.
Thawing out down below. Quite a display of frost in the cabin. Most of it came off the newly painted cabin with a gentle scraping. The rest melted.
The only defroster on Sjogin.
Here’s the ice eater in action. Moving relatively warmer water from the bottom, only a foot or so in this pic, does the trick.
Here we have the T Dock ice free. You can see open water out on the Bay. This may and probably will freeze over again, but the worst should be over.
One of the treats of quiet winter visits is surprising visitors. A Hooded Merganser (I think) can be seen to the left, obviously annoyed he’s been rousted from his ice free feeding grounds.