Here are a few pics of goings on at Beaton’s over the past few months. Spring has long sprung with the usual bustle at Beaton’s. The docks are getting full and the average water levels have reached ideal Sjogin conditions.
Serena, the Joel White Flatfish and the A-Cat Lightning looking Beaton Fresh.  Serena was built at Beaton’s a while ago. She’s a sistership to Charlotte, built by them in 2003. The building mold is in the yard and ready to go. They’re great daysailers with shallow draft. Give Tom a call.
The rebuilt foot of a very large catboat mast. This one will live again thanks to the attention of Paul Smith.
At the other end of the mast work at Beaton’s scale is Speedwell’s new mast foot. I had Paul remake the foot to match the existing Duckboat mast step. With the limited bury it will make the rig more secure.  It had a round foot that would allow the mast to rotate as spritsail did. This may give me a chance to setting up the sail as a lug. We’ll see.
New decking in front of the South Shed whose East wall still bears the sctatches and dings from Sandy. Our community will have them for a long time.
Once again WoodenBoat has seen fit to have me write an article for them. It’s in the May/June 2018 issue of WoodenBoat Magazine and tells the story of a boat that once again graces the waters of upper Barnegat Bay. There’s also a sidebar celebrating 54 years of Paul’s work at Beaton’s.
And here’s a video taken a few weeks ago just as the marsh was starting to green up. If you keep you focus narrow it’s easy to imagine what it was like a few hundred years ago. Hove to of course.