Being faired for the coming season. The fleet weigh-in was this past Friday afternoon. All of the boats must meet a minimum weight. The boats that are lighter than the minimum must add lead blocks at designated spots.
A Cat and other pics follow:
Raven, one of the Beaton A Cats. Final fairing is taking place here. The fleet has restrictions on how often the boat can be hauled and scrubbed.
From the stern. Both the rudder blade and centerboard are ply and carbon fiber. No oak slabs drifted together here.
Ghost, waiting for her 605 square foot mainsail.
Raven leaving on her shake down sail. Son David aboard.
Windago as seen through the side door of Beaton’s wood shop.
Here are our herb, salad and tomato beds. The grey plants are lamb’s ears; very happy to self sow to the point of nuisance.
Our literally fat cat Muriel finding my fleece vest a comfortable spot for a nap.