yesterday with John Haas. He brought his Sandpiper to Beaton’s to have navigation lights installed and joined me for a sail. Looking forward to evening cruises this summer down behind Island Beach.
Wind very light to start; filling in to 4 to 7, gusting to 10. Had two “practice landings”, first time in a while.
The new owners of Serena were down for a visit. A June launching is planned.
Jeff was back for a visit mid-February and we managed to arrange a day in NY together.
Pics for all follows:
John driving out of Beaton’s
Reaching home.
Ready to put her to bed.
Tom Beaton and new deck beams for the G-Boat.
The Serena family. Check out the varnish on the transom. Classic Beaton quality.
First I’d like to thank my wife……
And the Oscar for the Most Digital Son goes to Jeff……
Dad and Jeff on top of the world.
Next water photos will have a more azure nature……